50 States, 50 Plans: The Solutions Project

100% Clean, Renewable Energy – Let’s Do This 

Whenever the topic of how renewable energy will power the post-carbon economy comes up, the main question is how? How will we be able to get the right amount of energy in the right areas? What if there isn’t enough wind power in my area?

The key to fixing this problem are hybrid-renewable grids, which can feed in power from different sources at different times to reliably provide the power we need. Hybrid-renewable grids are dependent on geography, because the best way to power anything with renewable energy is to make sure the energy is coming from the strongest local source.

To get the details of which form of energy is the most efficient and reliable for each location across the United States, The Solutions Project has put together 50 Plans for 50 States. Professor Mark Jacobson from Stanford University sat down to analyze the best combinations of Wind, Water and Solar (WWS) for each State in the USA, and once he had the hard data, he teamed up with actor Mark Ruffalo, banker Marco Krapels and filmmaker Josh Fox to create the Solutions Project and spread the word about how our post-carbon future is achievable.

The tagline for the Solutions Project: “100% clean, renewable energy, let’s do this” says it all. The project aims to show that 100% renewable energy for the US makes great economic sense, will improve health in communities and makes environmental sense too.

They want to give local groups and organizations the tools and information they need to start conversations about transitioning to 100% renewable energy, and highlight the great work and renewable energy success stories that are already out there.

The website has an interactive map where you can see how one State’s plan compares to another’s and you can click through to get a detailed breakdown. Each State’s infographic lists the energy mix, number of long-term jobs created, avoided health care costs, energy cost savings and landmass needed for new renewables.

The campaign does a great job of painting a compelling picture of what the post-carbon future could look like, and it looks cleaner, greener, healthier and more efficient.  

Strategic Approach: Engagement
Type: Campaign
Strategic Approach: Engagement
Type: Campaign

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