Webinar Recording: Deep Dive Into How to Use Potential Energy’s New Global Data Tool

Strategic Approach: Audiences

In collaboration with partners at the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and the Meliore Foundation, Potential Energy Coalition released the broadest study ever done on climate messaging, asking 60,000 people across 20 countries – what motivates you to take action on climate change? They’ve launched a global tool that allows you to dive deep...
This comprehensive report on Canadian public opinion viewed the results of 60 publicly-available surveys from 2021 through early 2022 and cross-checked consistency with subscriber-only research. The goal was to dig beneath topline numbers, stress-test result sand identify attitudes that advance or block public demand for climate action. This year’s report highlights findings on efficacy and extreme...
The majority of Canadians are increasingly concerned about climate change and are willing to engage in a conversation about the transition away from fossil fuels.  At the same time, the public is still not clear about the major causes of climate change, the threats or the path forward. Demand for climate action is high, but...
Description: First step: assigning roles. Decision-makers in developed, developing, and underdeveloped countries.  Second step: Each country group works independently on the following. They have to make decisions about commitments to stop the production of greenhouse gases and the time they will reach the equilibrium point of CO2. Third step: All types and countries meet and report their...
Comprehensive report that summarizes and translates more than 40 Canadian surveys published between 2019 and early 2021 and includes key trends and takeaways for climate communicators. (Login required to access the report)
A report on how Democratic, Independent, and Republican registered voters view climate and energy policies. ► Download the report
► Download the report
62% of Canadians say that climate change is an emergency now or will be in the next few years.  Download the poll and check out the author’s analysis of the results
Research shows that young people are more likely to view global warming as personally important, to engage in climate activism, and rank global warming higher in voting issue priority than older generations.
A poll conducted of Democratic primary voters in California, Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina finds:  Addressing the climate crisis is a top tier issue for Democratic primary voters, shared only with universal healthcare coverage. Taking action on climate change is a key motivating issue for Democratic primary voters in early states. Having a...