Webinar recording: Fossil Fuel Companies Are F%$!ing With Us

Skill Level: 201

Cultural Campaigns Countering Industry MisInformation Oil, gas and coal companies put millions into promoting themselves as part of the climate solution while they and their PR companies laugh all the way to the bank. Hear about cutting-edge communication and cultural advocacy campaigns in the United States and Canada that are taking on fossil fuel greenwashing...
In collaboration with partners at the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and the Meliore Foundation, Potential Energy Coalition released the broadest study ever done on climate messaging, asking 60,000 people across 20 countries – what motivates you to take action on climate change? They’ve launched a global tool that allows you to dive deep...
The Conservation Council of New Brunswick believes successful implementation of renewable energy projects does matter if we are to solve climate change.
Hear from a panel of experts who provide practical tips and real-world examples for engaging in peer-based dialogues to find common ground, address common misconceptions, and craft persuasive messages that encourage involvement in solutions. Get the strategies you need to feel better equipped to foster constructive dialogues with friends and family this holiday season.  FEATURING: Karin Kirk...
This comprehensive report on Canadian public opinion viewed the results of 60 publicly-available surveys from 2021 through early 2022 and cross-checked consistency with subscriber-only research. The goal was to dig beneath topline numbers, stress-test result sand identify attitudes that advance or block public demand for climate action. This year’s report highlights findings on efficacy and extreme...
Comprehensive report that summarizes and translates more than 40 Canadian surveys published between 2019 and early 2021 and includes key trends and takeaways for climate communicators. (Login required to access the report)
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