The Mobilisation Cookbook

Greenpeace’s hope is that practitioners begin to use this guidebook as way to increase mobilisation through building “People Power” in ther next campaign or project.


The Mobilisation Cookbook aims to help build foundational knowledge of ingredients (or core terminology) like engagement, organizing, and volunteering. The Cookbook focuses
 on the essential building blocks from which to choose depending upon your objectives. Understanding the core ingredients, when to use them and what to mix them with will give you the tools you need to cook up some of your own unique “people powered” recipes.


Six of the most commonly used ingredients in the world of engagement campaigning:

1.     PEOPLE POWER: People, acting individually and collectively, have the power to create positive change in the world. A “people powered” campaign or NGO organizes, mobilises and supports people to create and lead change by providing the training, opportunities and tools needed to be successful change-makers

2.     ENGAGEMENT: This broad term encompasses the full spectrum of activities we invite people to participate in, from fundraising to volunteering, signing petitions to leading direct actions, and much more. Engagement also refers to the communication and storytelling work we do to continuously build trust and stronger relationships with people.

3.     ORGANIZING: Successful organizing builds power and leadership over the long- term by investing in the skills and capacity of individuals other than staff — including volunteers, communities and allied groups. Organizing may involve building relationships with leaders and influencers, holding events, and providing the training, tools and resources people need to take a campaign or cause into their own hands.

4.     MOBILISING: Effective mobilisation catalyzes power by motivating and enabling critical masses to act in key moments. Mobilisation may include communicating messages and providing opportunities to participate. Some mobilisations include low-risk engagements such as petition signing, social media sharing, content creation and donations.

5.     VOLUNTEERING: People around the world dedicate time, energy and skills to help win campaigns, support organizations and help their community. Dedicated volunteers and activists take on critical roles and responsibilities without financial compensation. Increasingly, Greenpeace invites volunteers and activists to initiate their own campaigns, leveraging their own power and local networks toward a goal.

6.     OPEN CAMPAIGNS: There is no single definition of open campaigns. The term includes a variety of ways people (other than staff) can initiate, lead, and power campaign activities.

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