Seven key frames for a paradigm shift

Resource Author: Jonathan Rowson

The Climate Outreach and Information Network’s new report proposes an update to climate change framing around 7 key dimensions of the issue (science, law, economy, technology, democracy, culture, and behavior) in order to include more people, highlight holistic solutions, spark conversations, and differentiate climate change from environmentalism. WHY YOU SHOULD TAKE A LOOK Because asking...
A report making the case for how Britain can take a leading role in addressing the issue of climate change.
A report on the relationship between neuroscience, behavior change, and society that examines how self-awareness and decision making shape our environment. Dr. Jonathan Rowson, head of the RSA Social Brain Project, asserts that addressing the major collective challenges of our age, such as climate change, requires a deeper and more sophisticated understanding of the relationship...
A study of how positive behavior change can become habitual and "contagious" across a group, through an investigation of taxi drivers' fuel efficiency in response to gas prices and climate change.