The polarizing impact of science literacy and numeracy on perceived climate change risks

Resource Author: Donald Braman

A Yale survey finds that people with high levels of scientific literacy are more culturally polarized. The findings are consistent with the notion that climate change has become highly politicized, but divisions are due to worldviews not merely partisanship. Researchers tested two theories: 1. The "science comprehension thesis": individuals fail to take climate change seriously...
A survey of American and British citizens to test the "cultural cognition thesis" as it relates to science communication and the impact of a geoengineering narrative on concern about climate change risks.   In order to understand the influence of cultural meanings on both science communication and public perceptions of risk, researchers from Yale Law School,...
A survey of Americans on the reasons behind the climate change controversy, including public concern about the issue, scientific literacy and risk perception.
A study on why members of the public disagree about the existence of scientific consensus related to a range of issues, including climate change, and the implications for science communication and policy.
A survey of American cultural polarization on societal risks (such as global warming), including the causes and ways to counteract it.
 A paper on the "white male effect" that describes how risk perception is shaped by race and gender identities and cultural norms.