Global Warming National Poll

Organization: The New York Times

This poll conducted by Stanford University samples American adults hispanic and non-hispanics on questions relating to global warming.
An article that describes how the oil, gas and coal industries are financing a large number of television ads promoting drilling and criticizing clean energy in advance of the 2012 Presidential election (a sharp contrast with the 2008 election season when green ads outnumbered those for fossil fuels).
An article about the ways in which we view our relationship with nature and how individual’s knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and level of concern about the environment depends on the extent to which they perceive a connection between themselves and other people, or themselves and nature.
A New York Times opinion piece that describes how this summer's record-breaking weather, including heat waves and severe drought conditions, has heightened media attention and public concern about climate change.   Photo of drought stressed corn July 2012 via (cc) Flickr user CraneStation  
An op-ed from former climate skeptic (and Koch brothers-funded scientist) Richard Muller, where he describes how his latest research at the University of California, Berkeley has led him to conclude that humans are "almost entirely" the cause of climate change.
An article that explores the idea of “the perception gap” to describe why we are overly cautious about certain risks and seemingly less concerned about other significant dangers, such as climate change. 
An article on how climate change has become a "four-letter word" in Washington and some of the reasons behind its steady disappearance from the U.S. political agenda.
An editorial on the Koch Foundation funded study (led by climate skeptic Richard Muller of UC Berkeley) that saw the same global warming trends that the scientific community has established.
An article highlighting the kind of populist messaging coming from climate skeptics such as Tim Phillips and Americans for Prosperity.