Conservative New Hampshire and South Carolina voters respond positively to climate policies

Organization: League of Conservation Voters

NRDC and the League of Conservation Voters commissioned American Viewpoint to interview 400 Republican voters in each state about their energy and climate policy preferences. Their responses showed that, contrary to popular belief, many conservative voters support climate policy. WHY YOU SHOULD TAKE A LOOK With the announcement of the Clean Power Plan and the...
Youth polling in the US by Benenson Strategy Group and GS Strategy Group showing young voters of both parties want to see action on climate change. 
Across party lines, voters under 35 support taking action on climate change and see denial of climate change in politicians as a failure of values and leadership. 
A nationwide poll finds that nearly two-thirds of voters support President Obama taking significant steps to address climate change and also finds that this desire for action comes from deeply held values that Americans have a moral obligation to protect future generations from climate impacts.