European Perceptions of Climate Change – profiles for France, Germany, Norway and the UK

Organization: Cardiff University

A report by Climate Outreach and the European Perceptions of Climate Change Project at Cardiff University explores public perceptions of climate change and energy transition in Europe over the last two years.  WHY YOU SHOULD TAKE A LOOK: The study looks at four different analyses of the participating nations in the EPCC; Germany, France, Norway, and...
A report by the Understanding Risk Research Group at Cardiff University explores public perceptions of climate change following a series of severe flooding events in the U.K. during the winter of 2013/2014. WHY YOU SHOULD TAKE A LOOK: The study looks at the relationship between direct personal experience with extreme weather events (such as winter...
Nationally representative survey data in the UK shows that extreme cold weather is seen as confirming climate change, rather than disproving it. WHY YOU SHOULD TAKE A LOOK: Recent extreme cold weather snaps in the UK and the Polar Vortex in North America have brought out of the woodwork the ‘snow trolls’ who try and...