Survey of Likely 2020 Democratic Primary Voters/ Caucus-Goers in Five Early States

Collection: Politics

A poll conducted of Democratic primary voters in California, Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina finds:  Addressing the climate crisis is a top tier issue for Democratic primary voters, shared only with universal healthcare coverage. Taking action on climate change is a key motivating issue for Democratic primary voters in early states. Having a...
The survey results show overwhelming support for the Green New Deal, with 81% of registered voters saying they either “strongly support” (40%) or “somewhat support” (41%) this plan. While most Republicans and conservatives are in favor of the Green New Deal’s policies in principle, many respondents were not yet aware that this plan is proposed by...
A Monmouth University poll finds that although a majority of Americans believe climate change is occurring, there continues to be a significant partisan divide about the seriousness of the problem.
A Pew survey finds that larger shares of GOP Millennials believe that the Earth is warming mostly due to human activity or say that climate change is affecting their communities.
This report is based on a nationally represented survey that describes how Democratic, Independent, and Republican voters view global warming and energy policies. Download the report  
Gallup conducted this study as a special series on Americans’ views of the environment, climate change, and energy.
A summary of emerging trends on right-leaning Americans’ opinions around climate-friendly policies and insights into how to more effectively position clean energy and other solutions. 
The nationally represented survey looks at American view on climate change, energy policies, and personal and collective action; as Americans increasingly see global warming as a threat. Download the guide
An in-depth case study of three municipalities in Chile, which identifies the types of institutional responses to environmental disaster risk management tactics and their efforts to improve governance outcomes.
This report looks at findings from the latest survey by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and George Mason University’s Center for Climate Change Communication on how registered voters view collective action and climate policies.    WHY YOU SHOULD TAKE A LOOK: This survey found that across all party lines (Democrats, Independents, and Republicans) a large majority...