Rising to the Challenge, Together

Collection: Adaptation

The challenges of climate adaptation and resilience building are now an everyday reality for decision-makers across the country. The report assesses the current state of the climate adaptation field, provides a vision of an effective field and recommends steps that should be taken.  Download the report
The Climate Resilience Framework demonstrates the link between climate adaptation and mitigation; together both strategies will develop stronger more resilient communities.  Download the report
Resilience Hubs are community-serving facilities that support residents and coordinate resource distribution and services before, during, or after a natural hazard event. WHY YOU SHOULD TAKE A LOOK: The purpose of this guide is to define the concept of Resilience Hubs. These Hubs are implemented to enhance the capacity of community members and community-based organizations to...
Research shows coal communities that have experienced mine closures are already beginning an economic and social transition, and false promises to return coal jobs can be destructive to that progress. Why you should take a look: This article stresses the importance of asking questions about the benefits and burdens resulting from the U.S. energy transition....
Leading up to the August 2018 California Adaptation Forum, organizers gathered stories from frontline communities to highlight innovative engagement strategies. “Towards Equitable Adaptation” is a collection of first-hand accounts and guidance from climate leaders who share their experience developing and implementing equitable adaptation efforts in diverse communities across the globe. Featured profiles include: Ms. Margaret Gordon,...
Georgetown Climate Center looks at the two biggest challenges facing the world today; income inequality and climate change. These major issues put our poorest populations’ health and well-being at risk.
Leadnow and the Climate Reality Project Canada joined together to collect key findings from communities, members of Parliament and highly-engaged Canadians to advance national climate action. WHY YOU SHOULD TAKE A LOOK: The research includes contributions from actively engaged Canadians to prioritize their concerns about climate mobilization. The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change launched...
The global economy has depended on carbon based energy sectors. In recent years the push to decrease carbon emissions has increased the demand for electric power resulting in significantly decreasing carbon emissions. This guide outlines California’s leading innovations and policies to reduce greenhouse gases.
Climate Access, in partnership with the County of Marin, San Francisco-based Owlized and Dr. Susanne Moser used a unique visualization technology enabling community members to be part of decision making processes to help Marin County prepare for climate impacts and build stronger, more resilient communities. WHY YOU SHOULD TAKE A LOOK: The OWL projects goal...
This guide explains how the United States needs to consider the inevitability of extreme weather as it relates to climate change. States at Risk released a report card using a national analysis of state level preparedness for weather–related threats facing Americans.