100% for 100%: Climate Narrative & Movement Building Case Study

Climate Access Publication: Climate Access Publication

The Solutions Project teamed up with Climate Access to understand its role in shaping the future. The project focused on: How has it successfully influenced climate policy? What has it accomplished in partnership with frontline communities? Where could it make improvements to our approach? And, the BIG question: Is its “100% for 100%” message inspiring people from all walks of...
This comprehensive report on Canadian public opinion viewed the results of 60 publicly-available surveys from 2021 through early 2022 and cross-checked consistency with subscriber-only research. The goal was to dig beneath topline numbers, stress-test result sand identify attitudes that advance or block public demand for climate action. This year’s report highlights findings on efficacy and extreme...
The majority of Canadians are increasingly concerned about climate change and are willing to engage in a conversation about the transition away from fossil fuels.  At the same time, the public is still not clear about the major causes of climate change, the threats or the path forward. Demand for climate action is high, but...
On behalf of USDN, Climate Access developed the Smart Shift report to provide municipal leaders with guidance on how to frame the issue and engage stakeholders in shifting consumption patterns. Download the report
This report provides an analysis of sustainable lifestyle initiatives and engagement strategies to make tangible change in the way people live their daily lives.       WHY YOU SHOULD TAKE A LOOK Fostering and Communicating Sustainable Lifestyles and the UN Environment, aim to increase stakeholders’ understanding of sustainable lifestyles and accelerate the widespread adoption...